About Me

My name is Nicole and I live in Ontario, Canada! I started bullet journalling on paper in October 2016, digitally in June 2017and have become obsessed with the system since! 

I thought the best way for you all to learn more about me would be a 20 Questions Tag! So here it goes!

Q: What is your favourite colour?
A: Blue! Specifically a pale sky blue like this

Q: What is your favourite number?
A: 11, because it was my first soccer jersey number!

Q: What is your dream career?
A: I would love to be a statistician or a math teacher. (I'm one of those weird people who loves math)

Q: Where is you favourite place to travel?
A: I want to travel every where actually! But I loved every trip I've been on to Europe and California, USA

Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: Bullet Journal, Netflix and play piano

Q: Favourite Clothing Stores?
A: Old Navy because I like basic clothes, and they have a lot of stuff that is affordable, basic and looks good on me!

Q: Dream Car?
A: I would really like my own convertible mini cooper

Q: What TV shows can you not live without?
A: Seinfeld... but I don't usually watch that much tv besides having it as background noise as I study

Q: 3 things I need in my life are...
A: Organization, my family/friends and good food!

Q: I can't sleep without...
A: Actually I can sleep at any time, any where, in any circumstances lol, life of a university student

Q: If you were given 1 million dollars all for yourself what would you do with it?
A: Pay for school, share with my friends and family, and buy myself a car, new iPad and a lot of plane tickets to visit my boyfriend!

Q: I have a celebrity crush on...
A: No one actually

Q: What is your favourite treat to eat?
A: Ice Cream! Especially strawberry... I also love fruit, frozen yogurt and chocolate

Q: My favourite wild animal is...
A: Sea Animal is a dolphin, Australian animal is a Koala bear, African animal is an elephant, forest animal is a chipmunk and farm animal is a horse... I could never decide as a kid so I separated them into categories...

Q: What is your favourite season?
A: I have pros and cons for all of them, but I love the end of summer/beginning of fall time period

Q: My favourite childhood shows were...
A: Definitely Dora the Explorer, Suite Life of Zack and Cody, and I always loved watching I Love Lucy with my Grandma

Q: Why did you start a blog?
A: Because I've actually always wanted to, and then when I got into bullet journaling I got a lot of encouragement from my family, friends and followers to start one, so here I am!

Q: Do you play any sports?
A: SOCCER, and also I love to play basketball, hockey, floor-ball, Ultimate Frisbee, touch football, badminton and I waterksi, wakeboard, downhill ski and 

Q: What was your favourite subject in High School?
A: Definitely math!!

I hope from this you've learned a little more about me! Click this tabs above to discover more about me and my bullet journal!

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